My very first figs, not was work of art but it was very fun.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The last post in this blog
My very first figs, not was work of art but it was very fun.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Back to 15

This is Berlier's Brigade, with Two battalions from the 25th Legere and two from 27th linge
I did the Legere in all blue, I know that it's probebly not that historic, but I realy wanted them to stand out from the linge battalions.
So those are my not so beautiful 15mm French, I still have another 150 figs to paint
Friday, July 18, 2008
Some Hedges, WW2 airborne and dip shade
I first tried the strong tone, but I found it to dark but still got some good resaults by wiping most of it off with some papper, the others I used the soft tone, it worked alot better, only had to dip once then shake it of, no need to wipe it of. I'm sure I could get better looking figs by highlighting and shading the old fashon way with inks, but I havn't gotten the hang of it yet.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Second part, with two close up

And here's the First Mayland regiment, again not to make it look to completly uniform I added a guy in civilian closes, this time in shirt sleves, as it's a southern battle, it seemed right.
But not having been in N-Carolina in March I can't say how warm it would be

Perry AWI
Both the American and Britsh Armies aswell as the Battlefield.
And here are the first pics.
A Unit that will be become the 5th Maryland Coninental Regiment

Here they are joined by the 1st Mayland Regiment
Ready to recive them is the 23rd Regiment of foot, AKA the Royal Welch Fusiliers and a 3pdr butterfly gun
Same pic with Photoshoping
More pics to come, later today
Monday, May 26, 2008
A little Story

I the meantime a bazooka unit takes out the halftrack before it can move and do damige

The flanking unit is on the other side side ready to charge

Sergeant Jonny and Corporal Hank takes out a german

The Sarge throughs a Grenade at the German Mg

Just as another squad charges up the main road the grenade goes off, taking both the mg and the sniper in the window with it.

Corporal Hank takes out two more germans
They take the town, but is that all of it?
Monday, April 14, 2008
1st Divsion at Salamanca Finished

1/3rd Guards
42nd Highlanders
2nd KGL
5th KGL
It has taken me 5 months to do but CAMBELL -1st Division at Salamanca is finished.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Evolution of Bases
When I read my rules I said that you should base you soldiers on company size bases everywere from 3 to 8 pr. company. As I do brits the ended up on 4 man pr. base, this is ofcourse still just a shoebox thing.
Here I finnaly got some real bases, they are for flames of war but that was all the store had. they look better then cardboard but they do look somewhat naked.

Oh look, they got grass, my most basic "finished" bases. just glue and grass, they are very simple compeard to my later ones.
I got some sand from gamesworkshop, the sand is kinda to big for 15mm but that's what I got. I did give some grass here and here.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More 28 AWI and improved bases

They aren't that diffrent from the foundy figs, there hands and muskets are realy good, but the legs and arms are about thick, and the coat isn't as easy to paint.

Here they redcoats give the militia a close range volley, sending them for the hills.
I also finaly got some 15mm highlanders that will make it possible to finish they 1st British Division at Salamanca. But I do wonder whats it going to be like to go back and paint 15mm after i've painted 28mm
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Militia on temporary bases.

The figures aren't even going to be put in the same unit, they are going to be spread out amog other units. Some are going to regular continental units, other among other militia units.

I like the way all the diffrent colors go together.
White, browns, blue, red ect.