Not realy sure why I started this hobby, or more correctly why i didn't start it sooner, in retrospect, this is the perfect hobby for me, I have in the past 5-6 years been prety oppsesed with history, it fast became my favorite subject, and I had a nack for it. my teachers told me that I should consider studieng history at college/university level, I still havn't gotten that far, but it's something I want to do.
Anyway, the reason I didn't start wargaming sooner was probebly that about 10 years ago I started with warhammer 40k, and I wasn't very good at painting the stuff, we were a group that started it, but I have up after a few months, it was just to expencive for a 12 year old, and my painting skills weren't much.
But that was 10 years ago, so I thought I might have gotten more stady in the hands.
So now I had decided to do this hobby, but where to start, i knew I wanted to do Napoleonics as thats my favorite time period, I also wanted to do brits as I'm a anglofile and love the readcoats.
But I didn't have a direction, I first thought I should only buy a few to see if I could paint the damn things.
So I bought 100 Old Glory recoats just to try out. I bought them from battlehonours, and by random events the store closed down for about a week, and it turned out to de a long week, everyday I went to the mailbox to see if anything good and turend up, but I think it was 3 weeks before I got my first 15mm Minis.
Now I had in the timebefore getting the little lead soldiers bought paint and brushes. The paint I bought was the only hobby paint they had, and it was Panduro allmoge, waterbased paint, when I painted warhammer long ago I jused Enamel, and it was a pain to paint with as you had to use terpentine.
Now I had both paint and minis to paint.
I started out with 10 old glory I didn't have any fancy baseing paint so I jused the regular black to base them with, probebly a bit to thick, but better then not baseing them at all.
To the left you can se my very first figure, standing on a Norwegian Krone, to show the size if the figure. Not a great work art, but alot better then I would have thought I could to. I then got hocked on painting the stuff. and in the first week I panited about 100 minis, one day I was just going to try and paint 30 minis in one go, I mangied to do it, but I felt It was to much, and havn't tried that again, it looks like 10 is a good number to do in one day.

This is what I had after one week, I didn't know any better so I justed glued all the minis in groups of 24 on the same "base" or cardboard.
As I said I realy had no ide ide were I was going with this. I just bought more and more minis.
But after some time, I decided to do General de bridge, I also decided to do the first brish Division at Salamanca, I choose this as the gdb site had the full oob for that battle.
I then found out that the bases were divied into companys ranging from 3-8 figs pr. base.
I then just cut the cardboard into companys with 4 figs on each base as I still didn't have any real bases.

And this is how my "army" looked after 3 weeks of beeing a wargamer.