Thursday, November 6, 2008

The last post in this blog

It's now been a year since I started with this hobby in Nowember 07 I bought my first few packs of oldglory 15s, here are some assorted pics of diffrent things I 've done.

My very first figs, not was work of art but it was very fun.

some 28mm Perry AWI figs, I orderd a BIG order from them, about 450 figs, cost my probebly £500
This is one of the last batch of figs I've done.
Old guard AB figs
Even tho I had no planes of moving away from the horse and musket era, I ended up doing WW2 stuff, and even modern.
I also enjoyed alot to takes pictures of my work and playing around in photoshop.
Well looking back I've had alot fun, and I think I will continue to have fun.
the total tally is around 1100 figs panited in 12 months, some bad, and some ok, I found out that modern and WW2 is alot easier to paint then horse and musket, I aslo found out that 40mm wasn't my cup of tea, I treid it, for a napoleonic skrimsh game, but after about 50 figs I found I would rather paint 28mm. I found out that I like both 28mm and 15mm, I first painted up 350 15mm Britsh, and got tired of 15mm, and for a long time I only painted 28mm, I've now got abit bored wih it, and now I'm back to 15mm.
How much money I've spent in one year is hard to say, with terrain and figs, probebly well over $3000 but it was worth it.
I allready have another purchase next month that's going to cost over $1000.
Well thats it for this blog, I have another called Apartment of war. That I'm going to continue on,

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